Bounce Peterborough / Peterborough Trampoline Park

Posted By: Its Funtime | Posted Date: Saturday, May 4, 2019

Bounce Trampoline Park Peterborough

So here I sit, waiting for my DS1 at a birthday party at Bounce Peterborough Trampoline Park and decided to write a mini review whilst I'm here to compare to our party packages.  For those of you who don't know, Bounce is a huge trampoline park in Bretton, Peterborough and consists of a main trampoline park and "Billy Bounce" which is a small pre-schoolers area.

I very much do see the attraction of holding parties here.  Book your date, pay your money (admittedly quite a lot of it) and only have to worry about invitations and cake on the day.  The kids are very much having fun on the trampolines and there's little waiting time as it is surprisingly quiet for a Saturday afternoon.  With my son being almost 10, this is a nice venue.... plenty to keep this age entertained and space to move around.  The down side is that the "party" kids really aren't interacting with each other as they are interspersed around the park in amongst other "day visitors" so it doesn't really have a birthday party feel.

I also feel that for younger children it really isn't a great option.  Parents would have to stalk the children to ensure they aren't deviating into the bigger kids area and potentially putting themselves in the firing line of bigger kids.  The small Billy Bounce area is very nice for half an hour but really isn't huge and when your little ones can see the bigger area are they really going to be happy staying in the "baby area"?

Finally on to pricing, @ £18.99 per person for a 2 hour party, this is certainly not going to be your cheapest option.  I guess for those with little time to organise it is convenient, however if you are looking for a 20 child party, you can hire a local hall for around £50 for 4 hours, get a party package for around £100 and be quids in!  What's more you don't have to share the space potentially having your kids pushed around by others or knocked over by bigger kids.

Lets price it up.....   Hall party for 20 kids for venue and entertainment - £150
                               Bounce Party for 20 kids for venue and entertainment - £380

That's a lot of money saved for extra presents for you little one or maybe a fab family day out too?

In conclusion, yes I really can see that these party venues have their place and can't deny the kids are having fun, however if you're looking for a budget friendly private party where the kids will have just as much fun, the traditional hall party is the way forward!

I hope you've enjoyed reading todays pearls of wisdom!


Until next time,


Helen @ It's Funtime Bouncy Castle Hire


Bounce Peterborough Trampoline Park


Bounce Peterborough / Peterborough Trampoline Park