Bourne Christmas Drive
Posted By: Its Funtime | Posted Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Bourne Christmas Drive 2019
Here at It's FunTime we are very pleased to be able to offer some donations to the Bourne Christmas Drive this year. It's being held on Friday 6th of November with the idea of being that as Christmas can be a tough time for families, the community could pull together to support the less privileged among us.
We know there's a lot of people in Bourne and the surrounding areas relying a lot on food banks and donations just to make it through Christmas. If you're in a position to help all they're asking is while you're out doing your Christmas shopping you pick up a little something extra to donate to a family in need. If you have any new clothing or toys hiding away that you don't need they'd love to hear from you too.
Bourne Abbey church have very kindly donated the use of the Bourne Abbey Church Hall on Friday 6th of December where gifts can be dropped off and they will be sorted ready for distribution. Anything from gifts, to vouchers to food, anything would be appreciated.
If you're a small business looking to get involved please do get in touch with the guys at the Bourne Christmas Drive, they really do appreciate every last item. They are looking for donations for children up to age 16 so that can be anything from baby or toddler toys up to gift vouchers maybe intended for teenagers. Here It's Funtime we are putting together a goody bag for them full of donations but if you'd like to help we look forward to seeing you on the 6th of December.