Bourne Lions Santa Sleigh Route 2019
Posted By: Its Funtime | Posted Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Bourne Lions Santa Sleigh Route 2019
Here at It's Funtime, one charity we ALWAYS support is The Bourne Lions Club. Every year we attend their Family Fun Day on the recreation ground in Bourne and donate a substantial portion of our income to the Lions Club. They are a fantastic charity who do great grass roots work locally and take absolutely nothing for their fundraising to cover expenses and staff. The whole charity is run by volunteers so 100% of donations can be used for the fantastic causes they support.
Santas Sleigh, Bourne
Bourne Lions help Santa every year throughout December to fund raise for some fantastic local charities. Santa in his sleigh visits as many homes in Bourne and the surrounding villages come rain or shine bringing absolute joy to the children he visits. During the weeks leading up to and throughout December Bourne Lions even have a "Santa Tracker" so parents can locate Santas current location and expected arrival time at their location. How amazing is that?!
Unfortunately Santa isn't able to stop on every road or at every road, so please be sure to check out his route plan to find you nearest location. All he asks is a small donation to charity and your children can sit in the sleigh with Santa and tell him all their Christmas wishes. If they're really lucky, they might even get to ring Santas bell!
Santa at Tesco, Sainsburys and Marks and Spencer
If you aren't around when Santa comes near your home, or the kiddies are already in bed, he can also be found at the local supermarket car parks at the weekends throughout December. This year, Santa can be found in M&S Bourne car park on 7th December, Santa is in Tesco car park on Saturday 14th December and Sainsburys on the 21st.
Santas Little Helpers
As you can imagine, Santa needs a lot of little helpers to help him pound the streets fundraising and alerting residents to Santas arrival. Here at It's Funtime we always try to dedicate at least a couple of evenings to helping this fantastic charity. Just take a look at the pic below - even the Baby Funtimes get involved! If you'd like to help Santa, I know Bourne lions are always delighted to accept new volunteers so please do get in touch with them.
So if you're looking for Santas Sleigh Route 2019 or you're just wondering what it's all about, we hope we've enlightened you a little. Santas Sleigh visit is a huge tradition here in Bourne dating back many many years - in fact I remember as a child sitting in our front window for hours looking for Santa and listening to try to hear his music..... it truly is the most magical time of the year!