Grand Opening Of New Bourne Playpark. 16-10-2017
Posted By: Its Funtime | Posted Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2023
We are extremely proud to be supporting the grand opening of the new play equipment at the playpark on the Well head tomorrow. We will be donating a bouncy castle and goodie bags for the first 50 children. We may even have a special guest visitor to meet the children! The ladies behind Bourne2Play have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into fundraising to improve this area of our town - I'm sure our children will spend many happy hours playing there.
Update 08/08.23
Wow, we can't believe this was 5 whole years ago, just think how much has changed in those 5 years? That said, 1 thing that certainly hasn't changed it our highest standards for bouncy castle hire in Bourne, 5* customer service and our commitment to help with local deserving projects. This particular park took a huge amount of fund raising, but 5 years on, is still looking great and is very well used daily by the youngsters of Bourne. It really does go to show what can be done by a few determined and hard working individuals in the community.