The Polar Express In Ingoldsby
Posted By: Its Funtime | Posted Date: Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Polar Express In Ingoldsby
Looking for something a bit different for the kids this Christmas? We came across the most amazing house in Ingoldsby! Ian Hage and Kenneth Burton have transformed their Ingoldsby home into a Polar Express themed Christmas Extravaganza! Right next to the Ingoldsby Social Club, you can't miss their house as you drive through the village. It is the most decorated house around and incredibly beautiful. We found parking to be a bit of a trick as it was very busy when we went to see it. They have done this type of thing for several years and it has now gained new found traction with coverage in the local press and wide exposure on social media. This year they are opening their home to the public from 5 to 8 pm every evening except Christmas Day until the 28th of December. The displays are a definite must see and they even made a Polar Express carriage with moving window scenery, benches and a screening of the film. From there, you step through into the "constension" into a magical Christmas space with 14 decorated trees (including a unique upside down tree). Quite literally, this area is decorated to the rafters with all things Christmas. Tiny trains and miniature historic type fairground rides and lighting effects complete the atmospheric displays. They even have a television set up with various Santa and snowman videos to keep the kids entertained. They have even printed out letters for the kids to fill out to give to Santa with their "must have" list of desired prezzies! Following through this area, you enter Santa's Grotto. Santa is a true professional and knew how to handle our own handful of kids with "attitude". All in all, it was an amazing experience for both us and the kids!
All of this is available thanks to the hard work and dedication of Ian and Kenneth! All they ask for their trouble is that you give a donation to one or both of their chosen charities, Marie Curie or the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). Two years ago, they presented a trip through the Wardrobe into Narnia and last year it was a trip into Christmas Grinch Land. A special note, this year they decided to fund raise for PDSA after losing their two well loved pets, Chip and Dale. If you need something different for the kids, help these two raise money and support their community by giving them a visit. It is WELL worth it!